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【明理讲堂2024年第72期】11-25西南财经大学章宇教授:The Service-Centric Vehicle Routing Problem with Crowdshipping

报告题目:The Service-Centric Vehicle Routing Problem with Crowdshipping





章宇,西南财经大学“光华杰出学者计划”青年杰出教授、博导,国家级青年人才。东北大学本科、直博,新加坡国立大学联培博士、博后、访问学者。主要从事物流、供应链、交通、医疗等领域中服务运营管理的鲁棒优化与决策研究。主持和参与国家自然科学基金项目4项。在Operations Research (UTD24)、Mathematical Programming、Production and Operations Management (UTD24)、INFORMS Journal on Computing (UTD24)、Transportation Science等权威期刊发表学术论文20余篇。获中国管理科学与工程学会优秀博士学位论文奖、Omega期刊最佳论文奖、上海社科优秀成果二等奖、辽宁自科学术成果三等奖,单篇论文入选ESI高被引论文。兼任中国管理现代化研究会青年工作委员会秘书长、中国系统工程学会物流系统工程分会委员、中国运筹学会决策科学分会理事。为中远、中烟、重庆电力等做项目咨询。


Last-mile delivery services worldwide have embraced crowdshipping, which involves both regular and occasional drivers to reduce transportation costs and potentially ensure timely deliveries. However, real-world uncertainty in travel times leads to delays in deliveries. Motivated by empirical studies on customer impatience with late deliveries, this paper focuses on a service-centric Vehicle Routing Problem with Crowdshipping (VRPC) under uncertain travel times. Apart from traditional lateness measures, such as on-time arrival probability and expected lateness, we also consider scenarios where customers show exponential impatience towards lateness. We introduce a novel approach to calibrate the disutility, leading to salient managerial implications and probabilistic insights. We develop an exact branch-price-and-cut algorithm for the deterministic VRPC and a route enumeration-based exact algorithm for the non-convex and non-smooth service-centric VRPC. Numerical studies based on existing instances validate the computational efficiency of the developed algorithms and the efficacy of the newly proposed lateness measures in mitigating the risk of late deliveries.
